Herbaceous Plants: Loos - Lotu (92)

Loosestrife Loosestrife, Dense Flowered Persian Chocolate Loosestrife, European Wand (spp.) Loosestrife, European Wand Morden Gleam Loosestrife, European Wand Morden Pink Loosestrife, False Loosestrife, Fringed (spp.) Loosestrife, Fringed Atropurpurea Loosestrife, Fringed Firecracker Loosestrife, Fringed Purpurea Loosestrife, Garden (spp.) Loosestrife, Garden Alexander Loosestrife, Garden Golden Alexander Loosestrife, Garden Variegata Loosestrife, Gooseneck Loosestrife, Hairy (spp.) Loosestrife, Hairy Atropurpurea Loosestrife, Hairy Firecracker Loosestrife, Hairy Purpurea Loosestrife, Japanese Loosestrife, Purple (spp.) Loosestrife, Purple Firecandle Loosestrife, Purple Robert Loosestrife, Purple-leaved (spp.) Loosestrife, Purple-leaved Atropurpurea Loosestrife, Purple-leaved Firecracker Loosestrife, Purple-leaved Purpurea Loosestrife, Striped Loosestrife, Variegated (spp.) Loosestrife, Variegated Alexander Loosestrife, Variegated Golden Alexander Loosestrife, Variegated Variegata Loosestrife, Yellow (spp.) Loosestrife, Yellow Alexander Loosestrife, Yellow Golden Alexander Loosestrife, Yellow Variegata Loosestrife: anceps, Purple Loosestrife: ephemerum Loosestrife: verticillata Lord Howe Wedding Lily Lord of the Blues Dutch Crocus Lords and Ladies (spp.) Lords and Ladies Marmoratum Lords and Ladies Pictum Lords and Ladies White Winter Lorenziana Blanket Flower: pulchella Lotus, American Lotus, Caspian Lotus, Indian (spp.) Lotus, Indian Asiatic White Lotus, Indian Baby Doll Lotus, Indian Ben Gibson Lotus, Indian Charles Thomas Lotus, Indian Chawan Basu Lotus, Indian Empress Lotus, Indian Gulang Red Lotus, Indian Hong Chow Bowl Lotus, Indian Maggie Belle Slocum Lotus, Indian Momo Botan Lotus, Indian Pekinensis Rubra Lotus, Indian Perry's Giant Sunburst Lotus, Indian Red Baby Lotus, Indian Red Radiance Lotus, Indian Rosea Plena Lotus, Indian Ruby Gardner Lotus, Indian Shiroman Lotus, Indian Speciosum Lotus, Indian The President Lotus, Indian White Lotus, Indian Xiamen Bowl Lotus, Sacred (spp.) Lotus, Sacred Asiatic White Lotus, Sacred Baby Doll Lotus, Sacred Ben Gibson Lotus, Sacred Charles Thomas Lotus, Sacred Chawan Basu Lotus, Sacred Empress Lotus, Sacred Gulang Red Lotus, Sacred Hong Chow Bowl Lotus, Sacred Maggie Belle Slocum Lotus, Sacred Momo Botan Lotus, Sacred Pekinensis Rubra Lotus, Sacred Perry's Giant Sunburst Lotus, Sacred Red Baby Lotus, Sacred Red Radiance Lotus, Sacred Rosea Plena Lotus, Sacred Ruby Gardner Lotus, Sacred Shiroman Lotus, Sacred Speciosum Lotus, Sacred The President Lotus, Sacred White Lotus, Sacred Xiamen Bowl